I am a Magnet: to Soul Clients & Sacred Cash (Self-Study)

21 days, 21 ways to activate a steady stream of soul-aligned clients and sacred cash

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    I am a Magnet: to Soul Clients & Sacred Cash (Self-Study) $111 USD
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    $111 USD

    p.s. Get your heart and hands around this exclusive one time offer that perfectly compliments the I AM A Magnet Journey.

    Get me in your pocket supporting you each day via Telegram. This high-touch support is unique as I am there to guide you as you move grounding in your unique Client Journey, offers and pricing; receiving personalized feedback, support and additional activations if required. The discount of 60% is ONLY available to you if you join the I AM A Magnet program.

    $555 USD


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      "I can’t believe how my life has shifted since we started working together. I am on a completely different level now and my work is so much more powerful. It’s just all so magical how my business is expanding in such a fun way. 😘😘😘 Thank you and I love you!"


      "I have to share this with you Nicky - it's mind-boggling but also not. I gave you my YES last night, went to bed and woke up with more orders than I have stock for. "

      Nicky H

      "Nicky, I can't believe it. Within 7 days of working with you, my business has exploded. I have clients coming at me left, right and centre and they are all saying YES to my biggest package. I have made 15k in sales over the last few days. I just want to thank you. It's like you opened the door."


      "It feels like my business has come to life again. Like I get to redesign everything; from my message to my offers and all with such ease."
